
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Dazzling Designs with Trash?

I've been seeing some fabulous examples
of mixing recycling and crafting.
In Martha Stewart's December issue she showed a
gift tag that was created from paint chip
samples using a craft punch. Brilliant!

This sent my mind spinning at the thought of what could be used.
I'm going to purchase some old books to punch pages and create some
beautiful embellishments for my art.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Shop 'Till You Drop

Well Ladies, my Etsy Shop is open. I'm slowly adding all the fun stuff I've been Busy as a Bee creating the past few weeks. I can't wait to see what happens!

And as with all things related to my design and illustrations work I must always remember and share that he gives me the power and inspiration to create.

11 “You are worthy, O Lord our God,
to receive glory and honor and power.
For you created all things,
and they exist because you created what you pleased.”
Revelation 4:11
Sweet Dreams Friends!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Creative Space

It's important for all of us to have a creative space. Whether it's a cozy chair with a view for our knitting or a little spot to pull up a chair and scrap. I staked a claim to this corner of our living room. My cozy spot for designing is an antique white table with a ladder back chair that were both my great grandmother's. She was creative in the kitchen and with crocheting.... and I've heard rumor that she was quite the wine maker too!

Tip for Stretching your
Design Dollar & Refresh your Home Decor
  1. The pictures in my little creative space are actually quite thrifty. I purchased two frames at dollar tree for a dollar each.
  2. Then I went to wikipedia and searched public domain images(free to use with a few exceptions, even commercially in most cases).
  3. There I selected a site that had images best suited to my decor which in my case was I selected the images I downloaded the images I liked by right clicking on the image and when the larger image appeared I then right clicked and selected save image as.
  4. I then printed each image out at the size small enough to allow matting around it in the frame.
  5. This is where you can really have fun being creative. I got out my favorite scrap booking paper, or you could print digital scrap booking papers. I cut them down to the size of the background. In one of the pictures I created a double mat by cutting a slightly smaller scrap paper for behind the picture.
  6. Then you simply glue stick the picture in the center of the scrap booking paper and place in frame. Done!

Have a Great Day,

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fresh Baked Clipart

My shop is going to offer digital scrap booking supplies as well as printable party sets. Here's a few samples of the scrap booking stickers to come.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Cupcakes Anyone?

Hi Ladies! I just had to share with you that I just purchased one of those adorable cup cake stands from Wilton at Walmart for only $13. This is such an easy way to make your celebration look amazing and you can use it for years to come. Who doesn't love that!
And don't forget to decorate your cake stand with ribbon or
matching scrap booking paper really dazzle your guest.

And here's another peak at my new
Vampire Series themed party set sure to please any Twi-Teen or Mom!

Have a Great Day,

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

©2010 Heather Ozee Designs
I'm ready for spring are you?
It's really coming through in the designs I've been creating lately.
Another sneak peek for you darlings!

©2010 Heather Ozee Designs

Printable Party Decor

Here's a little preview of my new designer party sets.
They are the perfect way to have your guest asking
"who's your Party Planner?"

This set of labels were created to go along with a fun party set
and coordinating digital scrap booking paper set.
Enjoy the sneak peek!

©2010 Heather Ozee Designs