
Monday, January 17, 2011

{Decorating} Frugal Walls

I don't like to spend an arm and a leg on framed art. And I'm an an artist! I like to find ways to get that fabulously matted art look, for a few dollars rather than the big bucks.
For example I love having my walls reflect the season. There's nothing more precious than an antique print of St. Nicholas on a beautifully patterned mat hanging above a plate of fresh cookies. So how does this frugal girl get the look?

Public Domain Art, an amazing resource that has endless uses. You can simply go to Wikipedia Public Domain Image page. It has categorized lists of different types of Public Domain Art. A few of my favorite public domain art resources are Karen Whimsy's Public Domain Images and

So, here's a little tutorial on how I achieve this look:
  1. The first thing I do is search the public domain art sites for art that would look good for the theme or holiday I'm decorating for.

  2. Next you print the image. Be sure to print it at a size that will allow plenty of space to show off your fabulous mat!

  3. Next you pick your favorite scrap book paper that picks up accent colors from your printed picture. Something that compliments the piece of art. Cut the crap book paper ti fit the frame and trim the image to remove any signs of the printer margins.

  4. Your final step is to adhere the image to the center of the scrap book. Once dry place in the frame. No worries friends, yes frames can be high. But if you're a smart frugal cookie, you know about Dollar Tree, or Dollar General. Or any number of other great Dollar stores, which almost all carry great picture frames in a variety of sizes.

Happy Decorating Friends,

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