
Monday, June 6, 2011

{Holiday Decor} Celebrate America

Once Upon a Time there was a girl who was blessed to live in the most amazing country. A country where with hard work and vision, anyone had the right to pursue their dreams. That girl was me, and I'm proud to say that I'm a hard working American. An American who still believes in the dream. As we draw close to the 4th of July and celebrate those who've sacrificed to allow that freedom and the forefathers with that vision I wanted to share this patriotic printable party set with you. It's the perfect accent to a nice day of grilling out with friends and family.

I also wanted to share the cutest idea for cupcakes at your next cook out. They do a great job of tricking the eye. I found them in the latest issue of a magazine I picked up. I 'm drawing a blank on the what magazine I picked up. That's a sure sign that I need to give my brain a break. But I did find the exact same cupcakes on Martha's website. So go check them out!

Aren't they cute! I could just see these on a table at our next gathering.

Image property of Martha Stewart Magazine.



  1. Always love the red,white and blue patriotic theme!
    P.S. I'm sure turkey bacon would work:) Your comment cracked me up!

  2. Hello,
    I came across your blog and was very interested in your landscaping articles. I just had a couple of questions, so if you could e-mail me back that would be great! Thank you for your time.

  3. Sorry, you may have the wrong person. I have no landscaping articles.
