
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Whistle while you work

Whistle while you work...hmmmm hmmm hmmmmmmmmmm.... My Dad has that down ;)
We've been busy around the Ozee House. My father Will of From Will's Workshop brought my sketches to life. We were lucky to have a dear friend donate four sets of shutters which with my design and Dad's know how turned into this!

The frames will be painted black, they are also the handy work of my dear old dad. The skirt that trims the table will house the cooler and any unsightly supplies not being used. there are two of these displays.
So.... a picture is worth a thousand words... and I'm banking on a picture taken in my photo booth with smart phone toting patrons spreading the word about my art. To make sure that my watermark is in each picture... I made wallpaper to decorate the wall. I have to say, I'm pretty darn tickled with how it came out.

And the Insulation board I created that photo booth with comes in very large sheets. So large that I have lots left over to sculpt signs from! Signs like these.

Next we're onto what to do when, Lord help me.. the vinyl doesn't stick to the roof... literally. 


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