
Thursday, January 20, 2011

An Old Painting & a New Project

Well I've been quite busy lately. But I wanted to share a fun new project I'm working on. Actually it only exists in my sketch book at the moment. But, it soon will be coming to life and I'll be sure to show you very soon. It's a Girl's Dinosaur Party! I can't count how many girls I've known, including myself who at one point wanted to be an archeologist. And sadly all the Dino stuff I've seen is all boy focused. Well this is going to be one stinking cute dinosaur. And she's going to be a party pleaser for sure.

One of my many UFO's(UnFinished Objects)
Scarlett's Dress Series

As I mentioned I've been busy. And me being busy means no time for painting. I have dry spells where I may not paint for a year... or a month... or something along those lines. And I've had one of those long dry spells. Well the dry spell has ended and I can't wait to get back to work on my church painting. And I've got a zillion paintings in my head ready to pop out on to a canvas or piece of water color paper. Wouldn't you know that feeling hits when I'm swamped. No complaints here though. Dry spells stink. I'm happy it's passed for now. But it is very much a part of the creative process. The refilling of the creative tank. Sometimes it only takes a good movie to refill it, sometimes a trip or hearing from an old friend. My dry spell was wiped away by the crisp winter air and lots of fun in the snow with the kids. Oh, and Netflix :)

So here's an oldy but goody until I get around to putting up my dinosaur girl party set and my new paintings that Lor d willing I can start working on this weekend.


Monday, January 17, 2011

{Decorating} Frugal Walls

I don't like to spend an arm and a leg on framed art. And I'm an an artist! I like to find ways to get that fabulously matted art look, for a few dollars rather than the big bucks.
For example I love having my walls reflect the season. There's nothing more precious than an antique print of St. Nicholas on a beautifully patterned mat hanging above a plate of fresh cookies. So how does this frugal girl get the look?

Public Domain Art, an amazing resource that has endless uses. You can simply go to Wikipedia Public Domain Image page. It has categorized lists of different types of Public Domain Art. A few of my favorite public domain art resources are Karen Whimsy's Public Domain Images and

So, here's a little tutorial on how I achieve this look:
  1. The first thing I do is search the public domain art sites for art that would look good for the theme or holiday I'm decorating for.

  2. Next you print the image. Be sure to print it at a size that will allow plenty of space to show off your fabulous mat!

  3. Next you pick your favorite scrap book paper that picks up accent colors from your printed picture. Something that compliments the piece of art. Cut the crap book paper ti fit the frame and trim the image to remove any signs of the printer margins.

  4. Your final step is to adhere the image to the center of the scrap book. Once dry place in the frame. No worries friends, yes frames can be high. But if you're a smart frugal cookie, you know about Dollar Tree, or Dollar General. Or any number of other great Dollar stores, which almost all carry great picture frames in a variety of sizes.

Happy Decorating Friends,

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

{Paper Dolls} Marie Antoinette

Hi Friends!
It's a winter wonderland here in Georgia. Beautiful snow covered hills sprinkled with kids sledding in laundry baskets. "What's that", you say. Yep, here we have to improvise with garbage can lids, laundry baskets and even pizza pans(God rest it's soul).

Would Marie Antoinette have hiked up her skirts and bustle to go gliding down a hill? I like to think so. If only you could see the image in my head.
Be sure to check out my fun Marie Antoinette Paper Dolls, minus the Guillotine.

Hugs Y'all,

Sunday, January 9, 2011

{Valentine's Day} A party & A Paper Doll

My girls and I just settled in to enjoy the rare snow flakes that are dusting the south tonight. It's been an unusual winter already. Lots of chilly days.
I'll post pictures of the pretty scenery soon. Sandwich bagged mittens in all!

Stop by the store, it's stocked with all kinds of lovely Valentine goodies. Including these two new items. The Party pack and A Cupid Paper Doll.

Stay Warm Friends!


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

{Valentine's Day} Cards

Hi Friends,
I hope you all are having a great New Year. The Ozee house has been busy playing our new Wii and having lots of family fun. Did I mention I killed my poor kids Sea Monkeys? It's a long story. Let's just say, read the directions before you feed the little boogers ;)

So I've been busy creating some fun items to celebrate Valentine's Day with. First out of my shop, a good old fashioned Valentine Card Set. Full of fun vintage cherubs, keys and sheet music. You can purchase it here. The vintage imges came from a variety of sources including 1st floor flat freebies, karens whimsy, and vintage catnip.

Next up will be the party kits with a fun French twist. That should be in my shop by this weekend. So long for now sweet friends.

Who thinks I should design a cupid paper doll set? Me too! I'll aim to get one of those drawn soon too.
