This year Miss Isabel had a Room Makeover instead of a Party...
gasp.. No water slide! We'll live, especially since our sweet neighbor
invited the girls over for a late night swim on Isabel's birthday. Love
Ya Debbie!
So the plan was to de-cluter, which involved borrowing a
pick up truck loading it to the gills with toys and out grown clothing
to take to the women's shelter in out town. She picked paint and
comforter and we were off.... accept she fell in love with a bed. The
bed looked cute, a find on pinterest with the little one in my lap, and I
thought... that's a project for Papaw Alligator! Papaw Alligator got
his name from fishing in the river near his home and waking alligators
on the head with his paddle when got too close to his little john boat. I
come from a long line of stubborn "I was here first people", and he's a
great example of that.
So Papaw Alligator, my Dad has a gift with wood just as my mother does.
This is not his normal expression, but it is how he normally plays around :) |
showed him a picture and he was off drawing plans and buying supplies.
He cut the wood in my driveway with my step mother and I at his side
dodging saw dust and the nail gun. When it was done and the dust settled
we carried the walls into her rook and I dodged the nail gun a little
late evening my mother was over and she and I were painting away. Can I
say hot pink paint shows up even in this curly hair! I sit at my desk
as we speak with a nice hot pink spot here and there in my nest of curly
locks. So all that is left is to put up the curtains on each end and at
the entrance as well as top it with a canopy like fabric. That will be done by Friday!
Seeing Isabellies face when she saw
the bed was great, but even better was kissing her bye this morning on
my way to work and seeing her and her big sis tucked in all snuggled up.
thanks to Papaw Alligator, Lyn and Grandma Paula. Y'all made this a
very special birthday for my Isabel... and gave her mom a sweet spot to
read bed time stories with her.